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Top 10 Ways To Boost Magnesium

Miichael Tadros

Boosting magnesium levels is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being, as magnesium plays a crucial role in numerous bodily functions. Here are some effective ways to increase your magnesium intake:

  1. Increase Magnesium-Rich Foods in Your Diet: Incorporate more green leafy vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes into your meals. These foods are excellent natural sources of magnesium.

  2. Consider a Magnesium Supplement: If your dietary intake of magnesium is insufficient, consider taking a high-quality magnesium supplement like MagZorb. Look for supplements containing magnesium glycinate, which is well-absorbed by the body.

  3. Enjoy Dark Chocolate: Indulge in dark chocolate, which is not only delicious but also a good source of magnesium. Opt for varieties with higher cocoa content for maximum benefits.

  4. Include Bone Broth in Your Diet: Bone broth is rich in magnesium, along with other essential nutrients like calcium, iron, and zinc. Incorporate it into your diet to boost your magnesium levels.

  5. Introduce Sea Vegetables: Sea vegetables like kelp and nori are rich sources of magnesium, thanks to their absorption of minerals from seawater. Incorporate them into your diet or consider taking marine-based magnesium supplements.

  6. Limit Alcohol Consumption: Excessive alcohol intake can interfere with magnesium absorption in the body. Limit your alcohol consumption to support optimal magnesium levels.

  7. Reduce Refined Sugar Intake: High sugar diets can lead to increased excretion of magnesium from the body, contributing to magnesium depletion. Minimize your intake of refined sugars to maintain healthy magnesium levels.

  8. Add Magnesium Flakes to Your Bath: Enjoy relaxing Epsom salt baths to boost magnesium levels through your skin. Epsom salts contain magnesium sulfate, which is absorbed into the body during bathing.

  9. Support Gut Health: Maintain a healthy gut microbiome by consuming magnesium-rich foods and probiotics. A healthy gut promotes optimal absorption of magnesium and other nutrients.

  10. Address Underlying Issues: If you're still struggling to increase your magnesium levels despite dietary changes and supplementation, consult a healthcare professional. Underlying medical conditions or nutrient deficiencies may require further investigation and management.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively boost your magnesium levels and support overall health and well-being. Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant dietary or supplement changes, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.


  1. PudMed Central, 2015, Magnesium in prevention and therapy, source:
  2. PudMed Central, 2006, Update on the relationship between magnesium and exercise, source:
  3. PudMed Central, 2006, Rapid recovery from major depression using magnesium treatment, source:
  4. PudMed Central, 2010, Magnesium intake in relation to systemic inflammation, insulin resistance, and the incidence of diabetes, source:
  5. PudMed Central, 2015, An evidence-based review of oral magnesium supplementation in the preventive treatment of migraine, source:
  6. PudMed Central, 1991, Oral magnesium successfully relieves premenstrual mood changes, source: www.
  7. PudMed Central, 2015, Magnesium in Prevention and Therapy, source:

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